
试图控制蚊虫? Choose 乐虎网’s Lifecycle-Integrated Approach

乐虎网’s team brings an integrated approach to controlling midges throughout their lifecycle – treating them in the adult and larvae stages in both the water and air.

Our comprehensive approach combines assessment, product treatments and nutrient abatement reccomendations within lakes, ponds and stormwater systems in addition to their surrounding communities.


评估:在进行任何治疗之前, 乐虎网’s team performs a series of assessments to create a comprehensive understanding of the midge infestation and the tactics it requires.

  • Visual evaluation of the surrounding air, foliage and structures
  • Inspection of area shorelines, including soil samples to look for larvae
  • Dredging of water samples to identify larvae of the ‘phantom’ or 幽蚊科

产品控制: 乐虎网 utilizes key product strategies to control midges at the larval and adult stages. This may include ULV adulticide, barrier treatments applied to foliage or more.

减轻营养: 蚊飞 are attracted to waterbodies with high levels of nutrients and organic materials – both of which are present in stormwater ponds. 乐虎网 recommends  natural strategies to safely reduce these nutrient levels, making them less attractive breeding sites for midges.


蚊飞, 也被称为“盲蚊”, 都是小, non-biting flies that form swarms and act as pests to residents trying to enjoy outdoor resources. They breed and thrive around water bodies with low dissolved oxygen rates and high levels of nutrients, making them a common stormwater system nuisance.

了解更多乐虎网蠓的种类, how they tick and methods of controlling them in 乐虎网’s guide.


Choose 乐虎网 for 防治蚊患 and Bring Relief to Your Community

If you’re looking to control midge fly populations around your home, 池塘或社区, 请与下面的乐虎网联系以获得估算. We have decades of experience in dealing with pests of all kinds – including midges – and work to control them at every stage of their lifecycle for long-lasting control and relief.


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